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A Simulation:  Uneven Distribution of Resources
About 20% of the world's population consumes 80% of the world's resources.  To help students grasp this statistic, we broke up into two groups to make "Earth Mobiles".  The lucky 20% of the class that landed in Group A was given 80% of the available tools and materials to make the mobiles, while the other 80% of the class (Group B) had to make due with the remaining 20%.  While both groups successfully completed the project, they shared very different impressions of the experience during our discussion afterwards...


Group B:  2 feet of string divided 20 ways?!


Group A:  8 feet of string... no shortage here!


Group B:  Wait your turn!


Group A:  Hmmm, which color to choose next?


Group B: finished products

Group A: finished products


So, how did this project go for your group?

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